
Format: 2024
Ordinance ID Title Section Adopted Date Attachments
2019-01 Ordinance 2019-01 Amending the Official Zoning Map of the City of Fruita through the amendment of the Brandon Estates Planned Unit Development (PUD) Guide to allow for single family detached uses Tue 1/15/19 Link
2018-29 Ordinance 2018-29 Approving a temporary moratorium of 120 days on applications for Sign Variances in the General Commercial (GC) Zone District Tue 12/18/18 Link
2018-28 Ordinance 2018-28 - Emergency An Emergency Ordinance establishing a temporary moratorium (60 days) on the acceptance of application for Sign Variances in the General Commercial Zone District, the processing of applications, and the granting of such variances Tue 11/20/18 Link
2018-27 Ordinance 2018-27 Amending Chapter 9.03 of the Fruita Municipal Code prohibiting smoking in any city owned park, trail corridor, open space area or recreation site Tue 12/4/18 Link
2018-26 Ordinance 2018-26 Amending Section 17.07.060 I of the Fruita Municipal Code concerning Density and Dimensional Standards Table in the Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) zone Tue 11/6/18 Link
2018-25 Ordinance 2018-25 Amending Section17.15.040 of the Fruita Municipal Code concerning classification of subdivisions and general provisions concerning Minor Subdivisions Tue 11/6/18 Link
2018-24 Ordinance 2018-24 Amending Section 17.15.170B of the Fruita Municipal Code concerning Final Plat Hold and Revegetation Fee Tue 11/6/18 Link
2018-23 Ordinance 2018-23 Amending Section 17.39.030E of the Fruita Municipal Code concerning Alternative Parking Standards Tue 11/6/18 Link
2018-22 Ordinance 2018-22 An Amendment to the Legacy III Planned Unit Development Guide to allow for single family detached uses Tue 11/6/18 Link
2018-18 through 2018-21 Ordinances 2018-17 thru 2018-21 ORDINANCES NOT ADOPTED - WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT
2018-16 Ordinance 2018-16 Approving a Building and Rooftop Lease Agreement with Verizon Wireless concerning the installation and operation of communications equipment on City Property Tue 7/17/18 Link
2018-15 Ordinance 2018-15 Amending Chapter 41, Sign Code, Political Signs, of the Fruita Municipal Code Tue 6/5/18 Link
2018-14 Ordinance 2018-14 Amending the Official Zoning Map for the City of Fruita by rezoning approximately 57.72 acres of property located between 18 1/2 & 19 Roads south of the I 3/4 Road alignment from General Commercial, Rural Residential and PUD to a Community Mixed Use Zone Tue 8/7/18 Link
2018-13 Ordinance 2018-13 Zoning newly annexed property located at 1816 K Road and containing approximately 2.73 acres to a Community Residential zoning designation (Pinewood Estates) Tue 4/17/18 Link
2018-12 Ordinance 2018-12 Annexing property located at 1816 K Road into the City of Fruita containing approximately 2.73 acres (Pinewood Estates) Tue 4/17/18 Link
2018-11 Ordinance 2018-11 Amending Chapter 17.08 of the Fruita Municipal Code concerning density bonuses Tue 4/3/18 Link
2018-10 Ordinance 2018-10 Annexing an approximately 30-foot right-of-way of K Road south of the property located at 1816 K Road Tue 3/6/18 Link
2018-09 Ordinance 2018-09 Amending the official zoning map of the City of Fruita by rezoning approximately 0.40 acres of property located at 975 E Highway 6 & 50 from Downtown Mixed Use to the General Commercial zoning district Tue 3/6/18 Link
2018-08 Ordinance 2018-08 Amending the official zoning map of the City of Fruita by rezoning approximately 3.36 acres of property located at 965 E Highway 6 & 50 from Downtown Mixed Use to the General Commercial zoning district Tue 3/6/18 Link
2018-07 Ordinance 2018-07 Amending the official zoning map of the City of Fruita by rezoning approximately 0.39 acres of property located at 873 E Highway 6 & 50 from Downtown Mixed Use to the General Commercial zoning district Tue 3/6/18 Link
2018-06 Ordinance 2018-06 Amending the official zoning map of the City of Fruita by rezoning approximately 0..42 acres of property located at 857 E Highway 6 & 50 from Downtown Mixed Use to the General Commercial zoning district Tue 3/6/18 Link
2018-05 Ordinance 2018-05 Amending the official zoning map of the City of Fruita by rezoning approximately 0..35 acres of property located at 849 E Highway 6 & 50 from Downtown Mixed Use to the General Commercial zoning district Tue 3/6/18 Link
2018-04 Ordinance 2018-04 Amending the official zoning map of the City of Fruita by rezoning approximately 0.93 acres of property located at 825 E Highway 6 & 50 from Downtown Mixed Use to the General Commercial zoning district Tue 3/6/18 Link
2018-03 Ordinance 2018-03 Annexing an approximately 40-foot right-of-way located north of J Road along the 18 ¾ Alignment into the City of Fruita (Rich Avenue Annexation) Thu 1/4/18 Link
